Tuesday 16 March 2010

What have I learned?

Erm, what have I learned from doing these past two assignments. Well, initially when I came into this course, I only had a loose idea of what I was doing in regards to journalism. I had my rough ideas from doing my own fanzine during college, but had no concept of the 'ins and outs', the real details. I think so far I've now learned how to write a review properly and how to list all the details needed for them. For example I've learned NOT to put myself in the article, writing in the first person. Which I had a tendency to do a lot in my previous works. Also, with regards to live reviews, I've learnt that I need to list has much about the show as possible while I'm there. Like, how I should take notice of the bands actions, how they perform on stage, or what body language they show to the crowd. Or how should take notice of how the crowd reacts to each song, not just the whole show in general. Also, it's key to write up my notes as soon as humanly possible after the gig, either straight after, or at least in the morning while I have a fresh head.
Recently I have now discovered how to proof read in-depth, instead of just running my eyes over the, looking for punctuation or spelling mistakes, I've now also learnt to pick out whether paragraphs are correct, if sentences are too long...or too short. But I think one of the most important thinks I've achieved is getting over that initial hump of interviewing. Originally having a pretty bleak outlook on interviews, never really wanting to do them. Whether it was from nerves or just from pure laziness. I think now I'm at a better place doing them. Now all I've gotta do is improve my style, and I'm sorted.

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